This Sunday

Songs & Hymns // Pastor Ward Young

Sermon // Pastor Evan Calvin

Fighter Verse of the Week.

[But] you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. ¹⁰Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. ¹¹Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.

- 1 Peter 2:9–11

When churches memorize Scripture together, the members deepen their dependency upon God’s Word, grow in Word-centered friendships, enrich their prayers for one another, and build unity that is essential to the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:13–16, Colossians 3:14). This is why, with the aid of Fighter Verses, a ministry of Truth:78, Immanuel is seeking to memorize Scripture together throughout 2023. The weekly memory verse is shared in the bulletin, the Immanuel Connect, and implemented into the Sunday School hour, with helpful resources available here, in the Immanuel app, and also in the bookstore (coming soon). May the Word of Christ dwell in us richly during 2023, that we may teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Col. 3:16).

Get each week’s passage, devotional, and Scripture memory encouragement delivered to your inbox.


Upcoming Events.

IY Family Potluck // November 12th

Immanuel Youth // On November 12th, we are thrilled to share a meal together with both our Immanuel Youth students AND their families at 12:00p in the Fellowship Hall. No agenda but to eat and enjoy one another's company! Don't miss these opportunities to fellowship with other Immanuel Youth families as we seek together to build the next generation into a community from all cultures where Christ is King.

On the menu for November: a Thanksgiving lunch! Please note: These lunches are potluck style, so we ask that you sign up here to bring an item if you plan to partake. You can drop off items in the Fellowship Hall kitchen before the Sunday School hour begins.


Annual Members' Meeting (Part Two) // November 15th

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, November 15th, 6:30–8:30p, for part two of Immanuel's Annual Members' Meeting. We hope that you will make plans to participate in this important meeting as the church gathers to make important decisions together.


D3 Youth Conference Early Bird Registration // November 30th

Immanuel Youth (Current 9th–12th Grade) // The Christian life is a journey of discipleship to Christ. Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, follow after Him, and go out and make disciples wherever we are. We hear the word “discipleship” tossed around at church, youth group, and maybe even at home, but what does discipleship actually look like and how do we go about being a disciple of Jesus within our 21st century culture? By looking at God’s Word we will seek to understand the privilege and responsibility of being a disciple of Jesus Christ in our present age.

D3 Winter Conference is a two-day discipleship conference on March 8th–9th hosted by Boyce College here in Louisville, crafted for Christian high school students (9th–12th) to develop and mature their faith. Join Immanuel Youth as we take a crew! Interested? Register here! Early bird registration ends November 30th.

Note: When registering, choose Immanuel Baptist Church - Louisville from the dropdown menu.


Immanuel Women's Christmas Gift Exchange // December 1st

On December 1st, 7:00p, the Immanuel Women's Ministry will host our first-ever Christmas Gift Exchange! We'll sing, share our favorite Christmas goodies, and exchange gifts. A brief explanation of the gospel will be shared, so this will be an excellent event to invite unbelieving friends to! Registration closes on November 17th. Click here for more information or to sign up. Additional info will be provided after the 17th to those who are registered.


IY Worship & Testimony Night: Christmas Edition // December 8th

Immanuel Youth Families // The whole IY family is welcome to join us on December 8th6:30–9:00p, in the Fellowship Hall as we kick off the Christmas season with a student-led night of singing out—and reveling in—the faithfulness of our God! Come let us adore Him together through testimonies of God's redemptive grace, songs declaring the glorious truths of our Emmanuel—and yes, while enjoying Christmas treats and hot chocolate together. Save the date!

Refreshment sign-up is coming soon!


Immanuel Kids Christmas Musical // December 9th

Join us December 9th, 2:00p, for this year's Christmas musical, The Loaned Manger. In this story, townsfolk in a little Wild West town want to celebrate Christmas like every year before, but the new railroad is bringing in all kinds of outsiders. The town must face their fears and open their hearts to share the Christmas message. 74 of our kids and youth have been practicing lines and creating set pieces since August. They want to share the Christmas message of hope in Jesus with us through this creative musical. See you there!


Sleeping Bags Needed

One of our members-in-process, Zack BurgyVanhoose, serves as the Campus Outreach Director at Bellarmine and is taking a group of college students camping on November 17th. They are currently in need of 15 sleeping bags. Therefore, if you are willing to serve this ministry by lending a sleeping bag for the trip, please reach out to Cody Farthing at, label it with your name, and drop it in the Youth Room any time before then. Thank you for your willingness to serve these students!


Mercy Homes

In our efforts to ensure that no need goes unmet among Immanuel's members (Acts 4:34), our deacons seek to connect short-term housing needs with members who are able to open their homes to meet those needs. If you have a room, a basement or garage apartment, or even just a couch that you are willing to offer up to a member who might find themselves in a housing crisis, please let our deacons know by filling out this form.


Immanuel Adult Education Teachers

We have an exciting announcement regarding Immanuel Adult Education. We are seeking to raise up more men to teach Adult Education classes. If you are a man who desires to disciple the body of Immanuel through teaching the Bible, theology, history, counseling, or evangelism, AND you have availability during the 9:00 Sunday school hour, please consider applying. You can apply on Breeze by going to Forms and selecting the Immanuel Adults Teacher Application. You can also find the link to the application here.


Hope Collaborative Mentors

Immanuel is partnering with Hope Collaborative to extend the power and community of God’s church to public schools. Through this partnership, Immanuel would send members to be mentors in a JCPS school. Aside from training, mentors would serve for one hour a week as a mentor for a small group of students. Hope Collaborative believes that students of all ages need a model and anchor of godliness in their lives. Help us meet this need within our public schools.

If you are interested in serving as a mentor, or are just interested in this ministry and opportunity, Audrey Plescia—Hope Collaborative JCPS Coordinator—and Valerie Keaton will be hosting an information session at Immanuel on Sunday, November 5th after Sunday service, 12:00-12:30p in the Huntington Room (Chandelier Room). You can reach out to Valerie at or Audrey at (502) 709-1259 for any questions.


Volunteer for IK Nursery

In the Immanuel Kids ministry, we partner with parents to pass on the kingdom to the next generation. Although it looks a bit different at each developmental stage, we feed these little ones two things: truth and love.

When we moved to one service, Pastor Ryan asked for every member to consider serving during our worship service in the nursery. Currently, most of the people who serve in this way also serve in other areas of the church. They are feeding our littlest lambs the truth and loving them in many ways. It is incredibly rewarding. And it is also hard work. Many hands lighten that load, which means…we need YOUR hands to contribute to this evangelistic work.

You would serve once in a 6-week period, 10:00-11:55a. If we have more volunteers, it will be less frequent. Please click here to fill out an application! 



Mercy Needs Form

The Lord provides for the needs of his people and has appointed deacons in the church to help administer this provision so that there would not be a needy person among us at Immanuel. If you are aware of a need that the Lord might meet through the care of our deacons, please make our deacons aware of it through our Mercy Needs Form.


Ways to Give

Thank you so much for your continued worship of our great God through your faithful giving. When we exclusively moved to mailed checks and online giving, you responded. Because of your sacrificial giving, we have been able to continue fully supporting our missionaries, our ministries, and our staff.

We are pleased to share that, not only can you give online, but you can now give in person once again! Giving boxes are located near the sanctuary exits.


Immanuel App

Want a simple resource to help stay connected at Immanuel? Download the new Immanuel app here. While still currently a work in progress, expect to see future resources coming to the app that will integrate with Breeze to better serve our church body.


Gifts Assessment

As we study our community we are seeking to identify the burdens, needs, and desires of our neighbors. The key to serving our community is to locate all available church assets and begin connecting them to these burdens and needs. As a church, God has equipped us with many gifts, talents, and resources to be used to serve one another, as well as, those around us. So, would you share the ways God has gifted you to serve? We would love to know! Please take a few minutes to fill out this gifts assessment form. 


Resources for Families

We are grateful to offer a nursing mothers' room located off the balcony on the 2nd floor. Furthermore, a cry room is available in the fellowship hall. Both locations offer the service streamed. For directions, view our building map by clicking the desired room above.