Matt and Tris are in the process of starting a new business as a way to provide themselves with a visa platform and potentially provide jobs for some local brothers and sisters. Thanks to your generosity, they were able to raise and exceed the needed funds to get the business registered with the government. They are currently in the process of completing all the paperwork and hope to be registered in the coming weeks. Matt has also been able to meet with two guys from the community and one is especially interested in learning more about the hope of Christ and has attended church recently.
Matt recently traveled by motorcycle for a few days to a different part of the country to conduct a preaching seminar for a group of pastors from many different churches. He went with another of their pastors and another member of the church. They had a blessed time of fellowship and the training was really fruitful for equipping leaders to handle God's Word more faithfully.
Rowan Community Church has had a spike in attendance and new faces in this past month as a result of the faithful discipleship of their members to college students and others in the community. If sickness didn't knock out a large family every week or so, the average attendance would likely be in the 60's! They finally had the time on the calendar to host a membership class and now have eight prospective members in process, which may give them enough numbers to start up some Sunday morning discipleship ministries that just aren't sustainable right now.
The church has several hard counseling cases and new believers in need of foundational skills of how to read their Bibles, how to pray, etc. Josh plans to develop and lead a team of mature believers to help in the counseling load, as well as, oversee the development of a 6- week discipleship track designed to teach new believers about the Bible.
The Immanuel’s Men’s ministry exists to glorify God by equipping the men of the church to do the work of ministry. This task is accomplished, in part, through the ministry of the Word on men’s retreats and frequent fellowship breakfasts. The ministry also connects younger men in the church with older men for discipleship.
The next Immanuel Men's Breakfast will be Saturday, March 22nd. All Immanuel men and boys are invited along with their guests.
Ev. Christian:
Main Language:
Spiritual Beliefs:
99.7% Islam
Bible in Heart Language:
The Lematang are a people group who live along the banks of the Lematang River in central southern Sumatra. Although most Lematang people are followers of Islam, animistic beliefs heavily influence their daily lives.