This Sunday

Songs & Hymns // Pastor Ward Young

Sermon // Pastor Ryan Fullerton

Fighter Verse of the Week.

[Now] I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, ²and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. ³For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,

- 1 Corinthians 15:1–3

When churches memorize Scripture together, the members deepen their dependency upon God’s Word, grow in Word-centered friendships, enrich their prayers for one another, and build unity that is essential to the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:13–16, Colossians 3:14). This is why, with the aid of Fighter Verses, a ministry of Truth:78, Immanuel is seeking to memorize Scripture together throughout 2024. The weekly memory verse is shared in the bulletin, the Immanuel Connect, and implemented into the Sunday School hour, with helpful resources available here, in the Immanuel app, and also in the bookstore (coming soon). May the Word of Christ dwell in us richly during 2024, that we may teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Col. 3:16).

Get each week’s passage, devotional, and Scripture memory encouragement delivered to your inbox.


Special Announcement.

Deacon Candidate Testimony

At the upcoming member's meeting on October 23rd, we have the joy of voting on Cody Gardner as a deacon candidate to serve our Immanuel family. Therefore, we ask that you listen to his testimony beforehand as you prepare to vote. You can access his testimony here. Until then (and even afterward), be praying for Cody and his family.


Upcoming Events.

Women's Fall Fellowship // October 18th

Immanuel SIsters // Join the Women’s Ministry on Friday, October 18th, 7:00p, in the Fellowship Hall for the women's fall fellowship, What I Wish You Knew: I’m in a Long-term Suffering. We’ll worship, fellowship, and hear from a panel of sisters. Bring a friend and a fall-themed snack to share!

Born in January through June // Please bring a sweet snack.

Born in July through December // Please bring a savory snack.


IY Fourth Friday // October 25th

IY Families // The fall weather is officially here, which means bonfire time!! Thus, join us at the Leitner home on Friday, October 25th, 6:30–8:30p, for a casual night of fellowship with smores by the fire. Their address is 148 Brookdale Rd, Mount Washington, KY 40047. See you then!


Discovering Hope // Oct. 27th

Join us on October 27th, 6:00p, at Immanuel for an introduction to Christianity for seekers, sufferers, skeptics, cynics, and friends.

What Will Happen
Join us for a simple service of song, testimony, and Christian teaching.

What Will Not Happen
You will not be asked to read, raise your hand, answer questions, or be put on the spot in any way. Singing is optional.

What Can Happen
You can come to know the good news of Jesus Christ that has been transforming the world for over 2000 years. You can be prayed for (if you desire), and find a warm and welcoming community.

Introducing Immanuel // Oct. 27th–Nov. 17th

Are you looking for a community to walk the Christian life out with? If so, join us on Sunday mornings, 9:00a, for our Introducing Immanuel class on October 27th, November 3rd, November 10th, and November 17th. Introducing Immanuel is the best way to learn about who we are as a body of believers. Pastors will explain the basics of Immanuel's vision, family life, and beliefs. Register here.

Please note that all class sessions of Introducing Immanuel are required for church membership.



Serve with The Prisoner's Hope


Immanuel partners with The Prisoner's Hope to provide biblical teaching/counseling for inmates through letter writing and other correspondence. We aim to foster character transformation for wise living under the Lordship of Christ in all areas of life. If you have a desire to learn more about living out the Great Commission by mentoring a prison inmate through The Prisoner’s Hope ministry, please contact William Mullins at


We are also looking for more men to join the team of chaperones for men who are members and/or visiting Immanuel who are on the Registered Sex Offender Registry.  As a church, we are eager to warmly welcome any/all no matter their background, but we also labor to balance our warm welcome with commitments to protect the vulnerable.  To volunteer to serve as a chaperone or to learn more about that ministry, please contact William Mullins at


Nursing Mothers' Room Feedback Survey

We have a special request for our sisters who use the nursing mothers' room. Praise the Lord for your sweet babies! We have outgrown our current space for nursing mothers and need your feedback as we reimagine a new location and accommodations for this space. Please take a moment to share your feedback here!


Mercy Homes

In our efforts to ensure that no need goes unmet among Immanuel's members (Acts 4:34), our deacons seek to connect short-term housing needs with members who are able to open their homes to meet those needs. If you have a room, a basement or garage apartment, or even just a couch that you are willing to offer up to a member who might find themselves in a housing crisis, please let our deacons know by filling out this form


Volunteer for IK Nursery

In the Immanuel Kids ministry, we partner with parents to pass on the kingdom to the next generation. We feed these little ones two things: truth and love.

From Come Ye Children by Charles Spurgeon:  "The most mature and educated in the church are not too good or unsuited for this work. We must not think that because we have other services to do or gifts to share that we should not take an interest in this holy work. But in all kindness and according to our opportunities, we must stand ready to help the little ones and to cheer those whose chief calling is to minister to them. This message comes to all of us: Feed my lambs (John 21:15)."

Will you feed our littlest lambs the truth and love during our worship service? It is incredibly rewarding. And it is also hard work. Many hands lighten that load, which means…we need YOUR hands to contribute to this evangelistic work.

You would serve once in a 6-week period, 10:00a-11:55a. Please click here to fill out an application! 



Mercy Needs Form

The Lord provides for the needs of his people and has appointed deacons in the church to help administer this provision so that there would not be a needy person among us at Immanuel. If you are aware of a need that the Lord might meet through the care of our deacons, please make our deacons aware of it through our Mercy Needs Form.


Ways to Give

Thank you so much for your continued worship of our great God through your faithful giving. Because of your sacrificial giving, we have been able to continue fully supporting our missionaries, our ministries, and our staff. You are able to give online or in person. Giving boxes are located near the sanctuary exits.


Immanuel App

Want a simple resource to help stay connected at Immanuel? Download the new Immanuel app here. While still currently a work in progress, expect to see future resources coming to the app that will integrate with Breeze to better serve our church body.


Gifts Assessment

As we study our community we are seeking to identify the burdens, needs, and desires of our neighbors. The key to serving our community is to locate all available church assets and begin connecting them to these burdens and needs. As a church, God has equipped us with many gifts, talents, and resources to be used to serve one another, as well as, those around us. So, would you share the ways God has gifted you to serve? We would love to know! Please take a few minutes to fill out this gifts assessment form. 


Resources for Families

We are grateful to offer a nursing mothers' room located off the balcony on the 2nd floor. Furthermore, a cry room is available in the fellowship hall. Both locations offer the service streamed. For directions, view our building map by clicking the desired room above.