Our Vision.
Fostering deep relationships with Christ and one another.

The Immanuel Singles ministry desires to facilitate opportunities for unmarried saints to build community with others in a similar season and to encourage them to invest in deep relationships with those in different seasons of life. Why? We believe that God has uniquely equipped each Christian—including singles—with particular gifts meant to build up the body of Christ. Therefore, we aim to encourage single Christians to exercise those vital gifts in the church, community, and their vocation for the glory of God.

Our Strategy.

Fostering deep relationships is impossible without actually spending time together. Therefore, we pursue our vision with the following strategy:

Grow Together:

By intentionally creating opportunities to build relationships and community. 

Serve Together:

By spending our time and energy to meet the needs of our church, community, nation, and world.

Think Deeply Together:

By receiving godly wisdom from fellow saints as we think critically on topics of theology and worldview.

Praise the Lord Together:

By building each other up, carrying each other’s burdens, and rejoicing in the greatest gift of salvation.

Have Fun Together:

By hanging out at organized events, and spending time together organically. 

Gathering Opportunities.

We gather on the second Saturday of every month. These gatherings rotate events that highlight teaching, worship, and fellowship.

Couch Talks

Our church is full of saints equipped with biblical wisdom and insight. These events serve as an avenue for us to glean from their knowledge through formats such as preaching and teaching, interviews, panel discussions, and breakout groups.

Worship Nights

These events are a time for us to come together and make a joyful noise unto the Lord in song. 


Shared experiences build relationships. Therefore, we value time spent together having fun, playing games, eating, and simply "shooting the breeze."

Upcoming Events.
Singles Ministry.

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