In the last six months, Nate and Jenni have implemented several projects to assist pastors and church planters in providing for their families. One project involved receiving donations to help a pastor establish a system for bringing clean water to his village. He will essentially operate a micro water utility, supporting his own family and ministry while addressing a significant need among his people. This year, they hope to send out one single man and three couples as church planters in the province, each learning and practicing a tent-making skill to bring as they herald the good news of our Savior.
Nate and Jenni took a family holiday in December, where Jenni’s mother stayed with them and they had some much-needed time for reflection, rest, and fun. Eliana was with them on break from boarding school, and they are thankful for how the Lord is growing her. They are out of the country at the moment after a time of political deterioration that arose after a recent election.
The Ndzi family moved away from Louisville three years ago when God called Jones to pastor Grace Reformed Baptist Church (GRBC) in Mebane, NC. The church recently appointed two new elders. They are so thankful for God's kindness in giving them these two brothers. Their ministries are already blessing the body greatly. The Lord has also continued to bring multiple visitors every Sunday to the church; praise the Lord. The Lord has led them to undertake several evangelistic efforts and they would love to see many saved.
The church has had challenges and opportunities. They recently excommunicated one member in a 1 Cor. 5 manner, which brought soberness to the church. An opportunity before them is the possibility of sending one of their staff pastors into church revitalization work in Baltimore, MD.
Praise the Lord who has given Nicoline and Jones a very sweet season of marriage life amid much busyness in homeschooling and ministry responsibilities.
The Immanuel Network is a mission cooperative of like-minded leaders whose mission is to plant and strengthen healthy multiplying churches in North America and the unreached peoples of the world. Later this week, Network partners from all over the world will be gathering at Immanuel to fellowship with one another and sit under the teaching of God’s word at the annual Immanuel Network Summit. The theme of this year’s gathering is "Love: It's Still the Most Important Thing." The goal of this conference is to cultivate health in Network churches by equipping pastors, their teams, and their people.
Ev. Christian:
< 1%
Main Language:
Spiritual Beliefs:
99.96% Islam
Bible in Heart Language:
The Rejang people live primarily in the province of Bengkulu. They farm coffee and a variety of other crops including the delicious durian fruit. Despite being Islamic, they reject the idea that a man can have multiple wives.