Central Asia

After twenty-two months of being stateside, Andrew and Stephanie are headed back to Central Asia with their children. It’s humbling for them to look back on the journey the Lord has taken them on. They left the field very uncertain if they’d be able to go back. They’ve never before had such a long season of perplexity and waiting on the Lord. In the end, he was faithful as always to restore and redirect them in ways that clearly reflect his kindness and power. They are so excited to labor for God’s glory in Central Asia.

Andrew and Stephanie are so thankful for how many have responded to their support needs, even in the last few weeks. Pray for the transition back to go smoothly, especially for the kids.

  • Pray that God works and brings about His kingdom in Central Asia. 
  • Pray for the last 9K fundraising for a used vehicle to be raised quickly. 
  • Pray for God to build His church among the central asian peoples.
North America.
Waiehu Community Church // Waiehu, HI

Praise God that Waiehu welcomed Kupono and Makana into membership through baptism. Rocky will also be recommending Clint and Star for membership this coming Sunday. As these couples transition into the life and ministry of WCC, pray that the church body would all be a great blessing to each other.

Recently, Rocky had recently had the joy of recommending Josh Lockhart and Kenny Komatsu as pastoral candidates, and since then, they've had a couple congregational Q&A's. So far, there's been no pushback or concerns regarding the process or candidates. The congregation has since approved them as pastors at WCC.  

  • Pray that the entire church continues growing in greater purity, holiness, and unity  and that each member would feel this responsibility and privilege. 
  • Pray for the newly installed pastors and the church to have wisdom and unity. 
  • Pray more and more members pursue one another, especially those on the fringes.
Immanuel Adults

Children need milk, but they must mature to solid food. Likewise, all Christians, including adults, ought to progress from the “basic principles” to become “skilled in the word of righteousness” (Heb. 5:12–14). Knowledge can puff up (1 Cor. 8:1), but the aim of teaching is love (1 Tim. 1:5) and to equip the saints for ministry (Eph. 4:12). Those who remain immature in the things of God are at risk of being tossed around by false and deceitful teachings (Eph. 4:12–14) and led astray from the faith (2 Cor. 11:3–4). Thus, the goal of Immanuel Adults is to present men and women mature in Christ (Col 1:28) who can stand firm and hold onto truth (2 Thess. 2:15).

  • Pray for those in the Adult Education classes to develop  relationships with others in the room as they grow together,  rooted in the faith.
  • Pray that God would raise up more men with a desire to serve the body through teaching  in the Adult Education classes.
  • Pray for those in the Prayer Rooms to be filled with faith and zeal for God’s glory as they cry out to him on behalf of the needs within the body, in Louisville, and around the world.
Ogan of Indonesia





Ev. Christian:


Main Language:


Spiritual Beliefs:

98% Islam

Bible in Heart Language:


Ogan villages usually consist of 300–400 families. They are known to grow three main crops: rice, rubber and coffee. Each Ogan village has its own distinct story about their origin and how they became Muslims.

  • Pray that God would provide clear opportunities for local believers to share the gospel with their friends and family.
  • Pray that God would raise up a faithful church in each village. 
  • Pray for the gospel to advance in this region of Sumatra, Indonesia.