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"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." – Matthew 6:6

Christians want to pray. Like the first disciples, our hearts cry out, Lord, teach us to pray (Luke 11:1). However, despite our longings to pray, we often find ourselves distracted. Our minds wander, our stomachs grumble, and our phones vibrate, beep, and buzz. How can we focus on prayer in a world inundated by so many diversions? I’ve found some wisdom in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

Find a Room

Jesus instructs His followers, When you pray, go into your room (Matthew 6:6). Our Lord assumes we will have a room where we regularly pray. The hypocrites of Jesus’ day loved to pray publicly to be seen by others, but Jesus wants us to have a place where we meet with God alone.

Do you have a place you regularly go to pray? A dorm room, a library carrel tucked away in the book stacks, a bedroom, a quiet spot in the basement, or an old-fashioned "prayer closet" (see Matthew 6:6 in the KJV)? Knowing where you will pray habitually can help you avoid distractions on the way to prayer.

Distractions and diversions are hard to fight when you are paralyzed by indecision. If you’ve decided in advance where you will go to pray, you will be less likely to be derailed on your way. So, find a room!

Shut the Door

Jesus also told His disciples to shut the door (Matthew 6:6). Shutting the door is essential if we are going to avoid praying for the approval of others. It is also essential if we are going to avoid distractions.

As a pastor, I am sometimes called to visit the psych ward at one of our local hospitals. When I arrive, I have to place all my electronic devices in a locker before going in. I find it helpful to do the same thing when I go into my room to pray. Laptops, smartphones, and smartwatches are all detrimental to focused prayer.

When I take my smartphone into my prayer closet, I can go from meditating on the gospel to surveying the sports scores in under five seconds. So, I like to “shut the door” on the things that can distract me. I take a paper Bible, a journal, and a pen—and then I shut the door.

Pray to the Father

Jesus tells us that when we are alone in our prayer rooms, our Father sees in secret (Matthew 6:6). He is aware of us. We might feel that what we are doing is insignificant, but what could be more significant than being in the presence of the Lord of all the Universe?

We might feel riddled with guilt and sin, but we must remember that God the Judge has paid for all our guilt and sin by the blood of His own dear Son. We are now adopted children of the Father. The One who sees us loves us, forgives us, and longs for us to speak to Him.

What should we say? We don’t need to come up with words on our own. Jesus told us, When you pray, say the Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:2). We are not to repeat the words mindlessly, but we can simply and sincerely follow the pattern Jesus has given us for prayer. Open your Bible to the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4) and pray confidently. You don’t need to wonder if you are praying according to God’s will; rest assured, everything taught in God’s Word is His will. Pray to the Father who guides your prayers.

Wait for Rewards

Your Father who sees in secret will reward you (Matthew 6:6). What rewards will God give us for prayer? He will give us what we have asked for now and in eternity.

The Lord’s Prayer leads us to pray for:

  • Greater reverence in our hearts (Hallowed be Your name – Matthew 6:9)

  • The greater advance of God’s church (Your kingdom come” – Matthew 6:10)

  • Faithful provision for our bodies (“Give us this day our daily bread” – Matthew 6:11)

  • Forgiveness for our sins and help in fighting sin (“Forgive us our sins... deliver us from evil – Matthew 6:12-13)

Do you long for a heart that stands in awe of God and a life that is pleasing to Him? Then, ask God for these blessings and wait for His rewards.

This world will always have distractions, but Jesus’ words can help us overcome them so we can enjoy the fellowship with God that our souls were made for. If you want to grow in prayer, find a room, shut the door, pray to the Father, and expect rewards.